The Princess Bride is one of the most loved and oft quoted movies here at Old Plank Farm. This past Halloween Angelica and Jake even dressed up as Buttercup and Wesley and won the costume contest at a Halloween dance that we went to. One of the reasons it's such a great movie is because it's chock-full of wisdom. Look at this, even the bad guys got it right some of the time:
"If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything." This is how I feel when I look at life. There is nothing I want or need more than my health, and I find that one of the most important ways to maintain and improve my health is by eating vegetables every day. Physical, mental and even spiritual well-being benefits from the effects of eating vegetables. I might say, if you haven't got vegetables, you haven't got anything.
And I'm running low on vegetables these days. But thankfully the growing season at Old Plank Farm is getting closer every day. I hope to be able to share good health and great vegetables with you this season. In the meantime, I'll share a few more of my favorite Princess Bride quotes.
“Miracle Max : Get back, witch.
Valerie : I’m not a witch, I’m your wife!”
“Inigo Montoya: Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?
Fezzik: If there are, we all be dead.
Vizzini: No more rhymes now, I mean it.
Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut?”