First Crop Update

At Old Plank Farm it is tradition to make pancakes after a rain. The purpose is to celebrate the rain, especially as it helps newly planted crops get established. So in spring we eat a lot of pancakes! What could be better, when there is fresh maple syrup to go with them? In between eating pancakes, we’ve had a tremendous first couple weeks of planting cool season crops. Our fall plowing allowed for many beds to dry out and warm up faster than last season. Our snap peas are just coming up now, they were planted on that first beautiful, 65 degree day a couple weeks ago. The first carrot, salad, beets, spinach and chard seedings were put in just before Monday evening’s rain, right on schedule. And our first transplanting of early onions, lettuce, and some beets and spinach also went in before Monday evening’s rain. Tuesday morning? Pancakes!

It’s a little early for us to put out other, less cold-tolerant crops, but within the next month our fields will fill up with a myriad of lovely vegetable plants. Up soon are broccoli, cabbage, more onions, and potatoes. Following the last frost we’ll plant the summer favorites like melons, cucumbers, and sweet corn. Come June, it’ll be time to start harvesting and delivering to our farm members. We still have space available to take on new members, and we appreciate everyone who is interested in joining us this season. Please sign up on our website, and tell your friends and family too! Our crops are your crops, and we can’t wait to share the season with you.

-Stephanie Bartel, April 24, 2019
