After a long and busy season, some of us at Old Plank Farm are beet!
For those who are totally beet, there’s plenty of time to get some rest and read a few good books.
For the rest of us, who are only a little beet, there is still plenty to do. The snow and cold came early this year, but we were well on top of our fall field work so it is of little matter to us. Next year’s garlic is planted and mulched, and we have many beds cleaned and ready for the early spring plantings. Last year at this time we had just put our garlic in the ground, my arm was broken and in a cast, and no fields were cleaned yet. “2019” is off to a good start!
Meanwhile, we’ve got a few greens growing in the greenhouses, which we hope to make available to members who pick-up at indoor sites (mainly on-farm and Sheboygan). We’ll keep in touch when we have more available to share with you!
I’m also rebuilding our website. It’s been great fun looking through photos and starting to work through plans for 2019. With the promise of a long winter, I find it hard to not feel depressed now that I can’t get my hands in the dirt. Planning for next year’s growing season is the best tonic to lift my spirits!
I’ll publish our new website next week. We'll be including information about our 2019 season on our new website, with more updates and sign-up info coming throughout December. In the meantime, if you have any feedback about this season that you’d like to share with us, please send us an email. We love to hear from you and welcome advice for how to improve our program!